About me
Hi everyone! My name is Heidi Juarez. I am a recent graduate and a 3D environment artist hoping to pursue a career in the game industry. My current goal is to work towards getting my first job position as game artist where I can contribute to helping others in creating awesome games that people will love.
For as long as I could remember, I've always had love and appreciation for video games. I remember getting my first console from my dad, the Sega Genesis. I would play Sonic the Hedgehog for hours without ever feeling the sensation of boredom or dissatisfaction. It was the classic games such as Spyro the Dragon,Crash Bandicoot, and Pokemon that keeps the nostalgia alive today. I'll always treasure the moments staying up until the early morning hours playing Ninja Gaiden with my dad and uncle.
Video games have created bonds and friendships that'll last a lifetime and that is why I wanted to take it upon myself and learn to create what I love the most.
I hope you'll consider browsing through some of my work and please feel free to offer any critiques or comments, anything would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!